The Khadora Collection encompasses the world of Marak, Lyra, and Rejji. This collection currently consists of the Forgotten Legacy series. It may be expanded in the future to encompass another series.

The Forgotten Legacy series by Richard S. Tuttle is an epic fantasy tale of might and magic, sword and sorcery, good and evil. Available in paperbook and ebook formats.

Young Lord of Khaodra, book 1 of the Forotten Legacy series, by Richard S. Tuttle, an epic fantasy tale of might and magic, sword and sorcery, good and evil. Available in paperbook and ebook formats. Click here for more information on this epic fantasy novel.Star of Sakova, book 2 of the Forotten Legacy series, by Richard S. Tuttle, an epic fantasy tale of might and magic, sword and sorcery, good and evil. Available in paperbook and ebook formats. Click here for more information on this epic fantasy novel.Web of Deceit, book 3 of the Forotten Legacy series, by Richard S. Tuttle, an epic fantasy tale of might and magic, sword and sorcery, good and evil. Available in paperbook and ebook formats. Click here for more information on this epic fantasy novel.




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